
Sellina Khumbo Kapondera

 Journal articles

Kapondera, S.K. & Chigona, W. (2018). Domestication of Telecentres by Malawian Rural Women. International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human            Development, 10(1): 51-64.

Kapondera, S.K. & Namusanya, D. M. (2017). Uses, benefits and challenges of using rural community telecentres as tools for development: the Case of Vikwa Community Telecentre in Kasungu, Malawi. Journal of Development and Communication Studies, 5(1): 1-21.

Kapondera, S.K. & Hart, G. (2016). The use of multipurpose community telecentres and  their services in Malawi:The case of Lupaso Community Telecentre, the South African            Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 82(1): 13-25.    

Kapondera, S.K. (2012). An exploratory study of the role of telecentres in providing rural community access to Information and Communication Technology services in Malawi: A case of Goliati Telecentre. Malawi Journal of Library and Information Science, 1(1): 1-18.

Conference proceedings papers

Chaima, M. & Kapondera, S. K. (2017). The usage of Khudze Multipurpose Community Telecentre in Mwanza District, Malawi. In Cunningham, P. & Cunningham, M.  (Eds).  IST-Africa 2017 Conference, Proceedings, 1-10.

Kapondera, S.K. & Ngalande, E. (2016). Adoption of mobile technologies in Malawian academic libraries: the case of Mzuzu University library and learning resources centre. Proceedings of the      Standing Conference of the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Librarians and Institutions. ( SCESCAL). . Hosted by the Swaziland Library and Information Association (SWALA), April 25-30, 2016 (pp165-174).

Kapondera, S.K. (2016). The link between telecentres and rural development in Malawi: The case of  Vikwa Community Telecentre. Proceedings of the Standing Conference of the Eastern, Central   and Southern Africa Librarians and Institutions, Swaziland (SCESCAL).  Hosted by the Swaziland Library and Information Association (SWALA), April 25-30, 2016 (pp143- 152).

Kanyundo, A. & Kapondera, S.K. (2016). Relieved at last: cataloguing with LibraryThing. Proceedings of the Standing Conference of the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Librarians and    Institutions, Swaziland. (SCESCAL). .  Hosted by the Swaziland Library and Information  Association (SWALA), April 25-30, 2016 pp73:79).

Kapondera, S.K. (2016). The use of Information and Communication Technologies in academic libraries in Malawi: The case of Mzuzu University Library. Proceedings of INTCESS2016 3rd    International Conference on Education and Social Sciences. Istanbul, Turkey, February 8-10       (pp737-746).

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